Thursday, December 07, 2006

Miracle at the beach

We are now in Zihuatanejo. Our daily ritual is to take the dog to the beach, after the heat of the day is broken, to go watch the sun fall into the ocean. Usually we head straight to our favorite place Cocodrillos. Today however, I approached from a different road where I saw a number of people sitting by some sort of roadside alter. Stopping to take a picture, I saw the following sign:

I approached to photograph surreptitiously, but was waved in a man. His cousin had discovered this new apparition of the Virgin de Guadalupe on the trunk of this tree just ten days earlier. If you don't know the original virgin was herself an apparition and her day is celebrated throughout Mexico on 12 December.

So our local beach had yielded the latest miracle. See for yourself--when was the last time you saw bark look that much like that Virgin of Guadalupe?


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