Saturday, January 13, 2007

Abandon Studios

Here is the latest release!

Stars was recorded in Zihuatanejo with The Astral Force. Astral played a travel guitar that he picked up the day before leaving. Most of the sounds are from Garage Band, layed in with the keyboard controller he brought us.

The life I love is making music with my friends, Abandon Studios is alive and well on the road again. The name now seeming more apt than ever. Studio? We don't need no stinkin' studio.

Abandon Studios now consists of a Powerbook, one Shure 57 microphone*, and an M-audio Oxygen 8 midi keyboard controller. I bought a pair of computer speakers when back at home in Pennsylvania and my dad gave me a cord to use as a headphone splitter. We have a shakuhachi and a toy guitar. That's about it.

* Actually, Tlaquepaque vocals were recorded on the headset we use for Skype calls.

"Mobility is the new nobility." - Robert Burke


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